Borderlands 2

The second part does not always turn out better than the first, but the developers did not fail with "Borderlands 2". This first-person shooter PC game from Gearbox Software is a worthy sequel to the original. The plus is an improved weapon mod system and a more thoughtful storyline. These and other aspects were immediately appreciated by gamers.

Borderlands 2 storyline and intrigue

So, 5 years have passed since the events in the first part, when the secrets of the Vault were revealed. Handsome Jack managed to claim the merits of the Seekers, gained control over the Hyperion corporation and proclaimed himself the Dictator of Pandora. Thus assuming responsibility for the destruction of the Destroyer. The Dictator's symbol is the Helios base on Pandora, which can transfer the forces of the corporation to any place on the planet. After the seizure of power, Jack tried to turn around, starting with the oppression of the colonists, but no luck!

Heroes and their abilities

Borderlands 2 kicks off when the real Vault Seekers survive on the ice of Pandora. And the train wreck was arranged by none other than Handsome Jack. The player needs to choose 1 character from all: the sturdy Salvador, the telepath Maya, the soldier Axton and the mysterious Zero. Each of these guys has their own skills and abilities for different types of weapons. And to this chosen hero, the robot Zhelezyaka immediately appears, transmits the echo interface, and then infa arrives from the Guardian Angel, who tells the daredevil to save the planet from tyranny. Well, the robot will help you. Then the game proceeds according to the knurled scheme of "hitting the bad, saving the good", with some, of course, variations.

Character Traits:

  • Axton. An excellent soldier, like Roland, uses turrets, but more modified.
  • Maya. A girl with unusual abilities, easily lifts and immobilizes enemies. Tattoos on the left side of the body and blue hair are knocked out of the standard look.
  • El Salvador. At one time, he was not sickly pumped with steroids, he looks like a short jock with a dark blue mohawk and a beard. Shoots from both hands with different types of weapons.
  • Zero. An unusual creature whose true appearance no one knows. He got the nickname because when killed, “0” appears on his helmet, and he expresses emotions in symbols on the same helmet. Communicates in short haikes. Valuable for the fact that he knows how to leave a clone in his place, while he sneaks up on the enemy invisible.

Locations and innovations

Snow-covered plains have been added to the game world, but in general, the developers have tried to maintain a unique, drawn style. So, 3 skill branches, class modifiers and multiplayer for 4 players.

New gameplay:

  • Advanced and customizable weapon system.
  • Vehicles.

Gamers note that "Borderlands 2" is like a comic book coming to life with collective adventures. There are ice fjords, picturesque cities, beautiful gardens, and catacombs with deserts. Not to mention additions such as an underground skull arena or an Irish bar full of leprechauns.

The dynamic task system has also changed. For example, if you do not save a friend for too long, this will not only cause the mission to fail, but also affect the further development of events in the game.

Borderlands 2 Enemies and Achievements

Now the player can carry any weapon, regardless of the class of heroes. Do you want to stick a sniper rifle on a telepath? No problem. The gamer gets experience points for killing enemies and completing achievements. With the accumulation of experience and the transition to new levels, points can be spent in the skill table with 3 character specializations.

And for completing tasks, the player gets money from eridium, this is a rare metal for which you can buy various improvements for the hero on the black market.

There are more enemies, and they can move around the game world. In addition, they began to work more in a team: heal, attack, hide. They can chase the hero across the plains and mountains, even stunned or limping, after a successful shot of the hero.

Boosting and modes

The leveling system is very simple: 3 skill branches plus a ceiling of levels and 1 skill point for a character. So which of the Seekers to choose, it is necessary to decide taking into account his abilities and capabilities. However, it is possible to correct the situation. If, for example, they did not think of pumping on a dashing sniper, a special machine gun will compensate for the picture. With its help - albeit not for free - you can reset skills and scatter points again.

The charisma of Borderlands 2

The proposed quests are called predictable by some gamers, but they are still impressive. A graveyard shootout, battle arena battles, an extreme courier assignment - all options require ingenuity.

As for the modes, you can play in "Borderlands 2" and alone or with a company. Although in the first case there are not so many chances of surviving, because monsters watch the victims at every step, bandits roam the Tatooine deserts, and the scoundrels sent by the corporation are also happy to dance on the bones of the Seekers.

But in the company it is more fun to travel and fight off evil spirits, as well as look for hiding places, share finds, explore mysterious dungeons.

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